I  G  M  U  S  

¿What is IGMUS?


The Language

Layer Oriented Sprites



¿What is IGMUS?

Igmus is an open source Interactive Graphical Multiuser Development System.

It is a powerful IDE (code, sprites, scenarios and animations editor), a new multiuser gaming oriented language, a bytecode compiler, an interpreter (the client), and a game server.


IGMUS will make it possible to develop any kind of interactive graphical multiplayer games from click & point games (like Lucas Art classics) to strategy games (Starcraft).
But it's main feature is that it makes you possible to develop full interactive applications, where each users action may entail to some consequence.
This is achived by storing each implemented procedure as a different module, that is downloaded form the server by demand, like the links in a webpage.
Game Admins, may optionally log every not considered action and implement it in the future, if a great number of users are trying to do the same thing.

At this moment, IGMUS uses 2D layer oriented sprites, but in the future, we will incorporate also 3D graphics.

The Language

The language is simple (similar to VB or Java) but very powerfull:

Layer Oriented Sprites

A sprite is an array of frames of bitmap layers, and a set of animations, which defines secuences of frames with given time intervals, and some control flags.

Sprites, for example, may be composed of two layers: the body of a character and a hat. During run time, You may turn the hat's visibility on and off, avoiding the need of two versions for each animation with and without the hat.


Here are some very old screenshots...

Version 0.0.1
Igmus IDE (project browser + code editor + sprite editor + scenario editor)

Version 0.0.1
Igmus IDE (client + server + debugger)

Version 0.0.1
Igmus Client

Version 0.0.2
Igmus IDE (project browser + code editor + sprite editor + scenario editor + compiler output)

Version 0.0.2
Igmus Client (+ some logs)


Before I decided to open IGMUS on sourceforge, there was just some minor issues left, I could have fixed in order to reach a Production Stable version. But finally I decided to release IGMUS, because I think there are many things that could be imporved...

The first step will be:

After that, we will:

If you want to join this proyect, please mail me

For more info, visit the official IGMUS development site on Sourceforge

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